Alhamdullillah HSP Academy mendapat kepercayaan dari PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia (KNI) sebagai fasilitator training Apollo RCA pada tanggal 12-13 November 2019 di Bontang Kalimantan Timur. Training Apollo RCA ini dihadiri oleh para manajer, superintenden dan supervisor dari berbagai departemen yang berjumlah 20 orang peserta.Training Apollo RCA ini difasilitator oleh certified instructor Apollo RCA DR. Alfajri Ismail, M.Si. Training Apollo Root Caused Analysis ini menggunakan standar modul training dari Apollonian Publication, USA. Dalam training Apollo RCA para peserta diajarkan tentang prinsip-prinsip Apollo RCA dan juga pengetahuan dan keahlian dalam mengaplikasikan Apollo RCA dengan menggunakan software RealityCharting. HSP Academy adalah satu-satunya Authorized Training Provider Apollo RCA di Indonesia dan Asia Tenggara. Berikut adalah foto-foto training Apollo RCA di PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia.
The Apollo Root Cause Analysis™ – ARCA™ methodology was originally developed in the mid 1980’s by Dean L. Gano as a result of his inability to find an effective method for solving safety problems encountered in his position within the nuclear power industry. While several problem-solving methods were available at the time, none were proven to be consistently effective.
After its initial introduction, interest in the ARCA™ was sparked within heavy industry as organizations sought a simple, structured, yet highly effective method for solving manufacturing, reliability and EH&S issues. Continued interest led to the creation of Effective Problem Solving, LLC as a Root Cause Analysis – RCA and Problem Solving training, investigation and consulting firm.
Since that time, ARCA™ has continued to evolve and advance with our most recent introduction of RealityCharting® v7.0. Presently ARCA™ is utilized in many diverse industries and organizations across the globe and taught in several languages. Each year, thousands of students from widely diverse backgrounds and industry are trained in ARCA™ to generate improvements, eliminate defects, prevent issues, and provide value to their organizations. No other Problem Solving course combines the analysis of critical thinking with the creative process so that effective solutions are found almost every time.
Benefits of Attending Apollo RCA™ Training
Only 30% of workers have been found to be effective problem solvers. In every endeavor, success depends directly upon our ability to solve problems. Some people are better at solving problems than others. What makes them successful? Successful problem solvers identify solutions that control one or more of the causes of the problem. Problems are nothing more (or less) than systems of cause and effect relationships. If you cannot clearly show how the problem occurred, how do you expect to resolve it, or better yet eliminate it? Training people to use ARCA™ helps them understand the way causes interrelate. Identifying cause and effect relationships makes finding solutions easier and more effective. Attend this Workshop and learn the secrets of highly effective Problem Solvers.
Workshop Description
This course exposes common characteristics of ineffective problem solving so Practitioners or Facilitators can recognize and prevent the analysis team – RCA Participants – from falling into non-value added discussions to help them get to effective solutions. Analysis Cycle and Quality are key factors. Practitioners learn the concepts of effective ARCA™ and incident analysis including establishing problem definition, problem significant and value, building a common reality chart for all stakeholders through the ARCA™ cause and effect charting process, including generating effective solutions and reporting. Students are challenged with exercises that accurately portray common workplace problems, including role-playing group activities in which they perform an actual ARCA™ case study.
Course Outline and Hours
Day 1: 8:00 to 17:00
Introduction and Overview
Problem Definition
Cause & Effect Principle & Charting
Day 2: 8:00 to 17:00
Group Facilitation
Evidence Gathering
Root Cause Determination
Solution Generation and Implementation
Final Team Exercise
It enforces the concept that RCA is a team based event and it is critical to include in the analysis a cross functional team. And most importantly it enforces that we are trying to seek effective solutions not placing blame to help prevent reoccurring problems.
Workshop Exercises
Learning reinforced with “hands-on” exercises – including a “3” hour final exercise that allow students to apply the Apollo RCA™ process to real world problems and demonstrate presentation skills.
Client can substitute their own examples to be used during this workshop.
Workshop Objective
Provide the knowledgeandskills necessary to:
Perform Medium or High Level Analysis
Apply the Apollo RCA™ Methodology
Lead/Facilitate an Apollo RCA™ with a team of participants.
Who Should Attend?
Any and all individuals, who lead, facilitate or get asked to lead RCA.
Not limited to shop floor personal, engineers, technicians, or mechanics.
Applies to all disciplines, functions and organizations.
Instructor: Fadi E Rahal (President Apollonian Publication)
Rahal holds a Master of Engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. He is a graduate of the Edison Engineering Program and obtained both Black Belt and Master BB certifications, as well as RCA Leader Qualification from General Electric. And most recently, he received Master Apollo RCA™ Instructor Certification – the only one ever awarded!
Rahal has led more than 250 RCA facilitator training sessions and has trained 10,000+ students across the Glove for such companies as; GE, Dow, Honeywell, Moog, Siemens, Carmeuse, Quaker, Tropicana, Kennametal, Ameren, REC Silicon, PPL, The Delta Group, Oncor Electric, Sonoco, Smith-Aerospace, Northrup Grumman, Westlake Chemical, ITT Gould Pumps, Covidien, Abbott Point of Care, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Ericsson, PPL, Valero Energy, Saudi ARAMCO, SABIC, SASREF, SIPCHEM, EQUATE, KPC, KNPC, QAFCO, Pakistan Explorations, Oman LNG and Qatar Petroleum.
As an investigator, Fadi has led countless RCA incident investigations with Fortune 500 companies resulting in millions of dollars in cost savings. Areas include: machine and plant shutdown, machine reliability, EHS incidents, fire and explosion, employee productivity, product delivery, on-time and on-budget and over-budget project execution, product sourcing and purchasing, scrap and rework, and customer dissatisfaction.
Workshop Schedule
30 – 31 May 2016 2016 – Hotel Ibis Slipi – Jakarta
Workshop Content
Manual: Apollo RCA™ for Facilitator
Software: RealityCharting® v7.5
eBook: Seven Steps To Effective Problem-Solving by Dean L. Gano
RCA Memory Jogger
Course Completion Certificate from Apollonian Publication LLC.
Training Kit and Gimmick
Workshop Cost: 950 US$ (Nine hundred fifty US Dollar)
Rate includes: ARCA™ Facilitator manual, RealityCharting® v7.5 software license, EPS Memory Jogger, a .pdf eBook of “RealityCharting® – Seven Steps to Effective Problem Solving” by Dean L. Gano, and Course Completion Certificate. Lunch and coffee/tea during breaks will be provided.
Discount 50 US$/participants for company send more than 3 people.
Eraly bid discount 50US$/participant
Registration / Contact Person
HSP Academy Training Center
Ruko Graha Boulevard Blok D 26 & B 30 Gading Serpong – Tangerang